Q & A with Cassidy Guyton

Name: Cassidy Guyton
Major: Biology
Future Goals: I hope to attend medical school after graduation to be a doctor. I love helping others, and I really enjoy learning about biological sciences. I think becoming a physician would be the perfect way to combine my passions.
The Department of Biology at VCU is fantastic! The professors and advisors are incredibly helpful and kind.
Why did you decide to study biology?
I have always loved learning about the mechanisms and systems that govern the natural world. I was confident that I wanted to study science at VCU, but I struggled to narrow my focus. I took both AP Biology and AP Chemistry in high school so I could try and decide which discipline to major in. I chose biology because I love how there are countless, tangible ways to use biological knowledge to make the world a better place. When we understand how certain biological systems work, we can apply that information to real-world problems.
What was your favorite class that you took in your major? And why?
My favorite class so far was Cellular and Molecular Biology. This course was a deeper dive into the concepts biology students learn in intro-level biology classes. I really enjoyed this class because I knew what I was learning was important. Cellular and molecular biology lays the foundation for all other avenues of biology. A solid understanding of cellular systems and mechanisms is crucial because every other biology course builds on the basics from this class.
Who was your favorite professor in your major? And why?
My favorite biology professor is Dr. Tenjo-Fernandez. He is so intelligent, kind, and encouraging. It is evident that he is extremely passionate about biology and his excitement is contagious. Dr. Tenjo's main priority is that his students truly learn the information he is teaching. He is flexible and willing to slow down if his students need more time to grasp important concepts, instead of rushing through the curriculum to stay in line with the syllabus.
Why should students consider biology as a major?
The Department of Biology at VCU is fantastic! The professors and advisors are incredibly helpful and kind. VCU Biology is always sharing great opportunities and resources for current students such as internships, research opportunities, and scholarships. Everyone in the department is committed to making sure every student is able to be successful.