Scenes from Footprints on the James
Jan. 12, 2023
This past summer, over a dozen VCU students spent five weeks traversing the James River from Alleghany County to Jamestown. First launched in 2014, Footprints on the James — a collaboration of the VCU Center for Environmental Studies, the Department of Biology in the College of Humanities and Sciences, the Rice Rivers Center, and the VCU Outdoor Adventure Program — returned this year after a COVID-19 hiatus.
It includes two courses, Footprints on the James: The Natural History of the James River Watershed, taught by Daniel Carr, an assistant professor in the Department of Biology, and Environmental Studies 491 River Field Practicum, taught by environmental studies professor James Vonesh, Ph.D.
Check out VCU's Scenes from Footprints on the James to learn more about their adventure.