Rob Tombes, Ph.D.
Trani LIfe Sciences Building, 1000 W. Cary St., room 300
Research Interests
- Zebrafish cell and developmental biology
- Proteomics
- Cancer and cell growth control
- Stem Cells
- Intracellular targeting and signaling
Robert Tombes was on sabbatical with Rick Horwitz in 2005 at the University of Virginia and was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, with Gerald Schatten and Gary Borisy. He received his Ph.D. in biochemistry at the University of Washington, Seattle with Ben Shapiro and his B.A. in biology and chemistry from the University of Virginia, where he worked with Bob Kretsinger, Al Gilman and Peter Holloway. Tombes got his start in the laboratory of George Vahouny at George Washington University, Washington D.C.